you need a 40?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I know I need to blog more. I'm sorry, time just well, isn't. I will try harder...if I find time to.

So how are you my sweet friends? I hope these words find you well.

I know you all want a weight loss update don't you? See I know you...and I still love you ;)

Well, I'm going to make you wait unless you scroll to the bottom of the post but DON'T because I don't want you to miss the meat of this post on account of a set of numbers!

You've seen the movie "Fireproof" right? If no, please do yourself a favor and do. It is based on a book by the name of "The Love Dare". It has saved marriages, folks.

Marriage is hard. (I heard you say Amen!) Marriage can be amazing. (your smiling!)

There is a new book out "The Love Dare For Parents" and my husband and I are taking the challenge.

Parenting is hard. That'll preach! Parenting can be amazing too! See a pattern?

For 40 days we have committed to doing a task each day in order to build our relationships, especially with our teenagers. Life is difficult for our children. They deserve for us to love and understand them. Some of the "dares" in the book make me want to drink. Heavily.  Usually here I would insert "I can do all things through Christ" but if I am to be transparent with you ( and I so want that) then I have to say I wasn't in the habit of running to read my Bible.

With each day still being a struggle for us and our children, I have to say the book is working. It is allowing us to apply simple truths to our lives and, in turn, healing is happening. We are also building better relationships with these creatures we call teenagers.

If you have teenagers, you've probably already stopped reading and peeled out of the driveway to get to the bookstore. Go on, skip the liquor store. You don't need it. There's nothing in there strong enough to help you with teenage hormones anyway.

I'm rambling. Forgive me?

I wanted to put a little excerpt in here, I think it's pretty relevant in light of the events of the VMA's the other night with Miss Cyrus and Beetlejuice. That was ugly, but too funny to edit out. Bless him, that was an ugly ol' church suit he had on. Wasn't it?

Here goes:

"The world often sends a message that children are a burden and an inconvenience. They cost a lot of money and take up valuable time. They get in your way. They disobey. They wine. 

But when a child finally arrives and joins a family, something changes. She steals your heart and changes your life. He introduces daily wonder and adventure. What you were once content without, you now cannot live without. You would die for them. Your greatest fear becomes losing them.

Then-ironically- the world that once discouraged children now eagerly wants their attention. They constantly advertise for them to watch their programs, use their lingo, and buy their products. They recruit them to attend their events and work at their jobs. They beg them to serve their causes, vote for their candidates, and fight for their agendas." 

That's why we need to listen to the consistent counsel of genuine love rather than the shifting opinions of a self centered culture. Love helps us view them the way God views them-as one of our greatest blessings in life. A sacred trust. A privileged responsibility. A precious delight."

"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord" Psalm 127:3 (even if some days you wish you had the gift receipt)

Learning to turn to God and His Word instead of leaning into our own understand is greatly changing the way we parent. Saying no to so much internet, video games, and TV is also a contender. Do our kids like it? NOT AT ALL!

We pray for them and we aren't changing our minds. Because my precious friends, it is true they grow up so fast. You only have so much time to make a difference. Now go turn off the TV and put the Wiipod (as Phil Robertson calls it) down and do something fun with your children. Love them enough to make them different. Teach them to crave things that matter, and not waste themselves on such things as video games. Will it be hard...heck yes! Video games and TV have become our babysitter, right? I know it.

Let's stop letting the world influence our children so much!

Oh and I've lost 34-36 pounds, it fluctuates because I am woman (hear me roar)

Love y'all!

Kendrick."The Love Dare For Parents"  (B&H publishing,Nashville,2013)16 


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