When we told my Daddy that we felt like God was leading my husband to become a pastor, he laughed.
Like a deep gut laugh. Not because of my husbands inability to be obedient to God but because who he was married too.
Did I ever tell you that I am JUST like my Daddy, except I have my (less than 5'2 foot tall) Mama's sass.
I wish I could tell you a story about how much my husband has struggled with the idea of being a Pastor. Sure, he has had his days...running from what the Lord has for his life. But not enough to blog about right now. I'll try to update when he starts Seminary (fun times) in the fall.
No, this one is about yours truly. Blah.
For YEARS I struggled with being a Pastor's wife. How in the world? I don't possess any qualities of your typical pastor's wife. I know...I know...so that's a good thing, you're not typical. But I couldn't help but feel like I was being hired as a chef and didn't even know how to crack an egg!
I started seeking advice.
I keep getting similar answers from many pastor's wives that there is a way to do things, you have to play nice...that sometimes it can get political.
Once I worked with my sister over the summer at her office and before I left, I owned the title of being the sweetest girl in the world. (sweet?! PUH LEEEZZ)
I know how to play the game.
Here's the problem...I gave up playing games when I met Jesus.
I'm done praying for God to change who He created me to be. The one who laughs much (and loudly sometimes snorting), the one who tells it straight but hugs after and the one who desires for others to meet Jesus in a real way.
***This is not the same thing as praying God change me*** (blog post on that later. No, not next year...smarty pants! I thought we agreed for you to be patient with my belated blog posts?)
My husband and I have decided that it's ALL or nothing. If that means we will represent Christ in a church or if we do it working at Home Depot because "church" ain't having it...then that is what that means.
Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Holding fast to that one, Lord ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
We are ALL in. We are not perfect but we are willing.
And you know I have full confidence that God will use me in great ways even if I can't carry a tune in a bucket or play the hand bells. ( Is there a break-dancing ministry?)
We are at a point in our lives that we have only two choices 1.Trust God 2. Don't trust God
We're picking door #1
And it is SO much more awesome than the terrible I thought it would be!
All we have is everything worldly to lose. Praise God.
I am fully aware that there may be a day that those words are the only ones I am able to udder. But I KNOW that my God will not leave me or forsake me. Or you.
Deuteronomy 31:8
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."